In case you haven't heard....there is a major problem with BED BUGS in NYC!!! They have been at the Empire State Building, Nike Town and Bloomingdales according to the reports I've seen. My husband has overheard several people on the train talking about how they are in peoples offices as well. I have told him not to put his bag on the floor and be on the look-out not to bring any home with him as they may stow away in his bag!!! Usually you find them in hotels at the edge of mattresses. More info on BED BUGS.
I did happen to be looking at one of my favorite eco-friendly home improvement websites, GREENDEPOT.com and they carry a safe bug spray. I don't even want to know what they are using to kill the bugs in the city. Soon the city could be overrun by pesticides from getting rid of these bugs. I had roach problems in my NYC apartment years ago, (everyone who has lived in NYC has seen a roach or many, they even live on Park and Madison Ave!!) I used Boric acid and tried not to let the exterminator in if I could help it. In case you see bed bugs and happen to carry one home from a hotel, use a safe alternative. There is even a BED BUG REGISTRY to see where they have been spotted in the US. Travel carefully and keep your family free of bed bugs!!