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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Lead in Holiday Decorations

As many people decorate for the holidays there is something to be cautious about. LEAD! If you have toddlers who put everything in their mouths this is especially troublesome. Most Christmas decorations are made in China and are more than likely to contain lead. This is especially true of holiday lights. I have lights that even have a tag saying they contain lead, apparently IKEA sells lead-free lights! Or I found some at Environmental I know children want to help decorate and join in the fun but be sure they wash their hands extremely well after they have touched ornaments, lights, your artificial tree(which is why a real tree is better), a nativity, or whatever else you have to decorate that may contain lead and God knows what other harmful chemicals. Homemade ornaments made of natural materials like cotton, wool or felt are safer for children to handle. Pine cones in a bowl work well for us and it keeps children busy placing them one by one! Even better if you have a tree outside to get them from. I gathered several bags of them a few years back and have been using them every year! A very eco-friendly option. Now go decorate and see how creative you can get!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reiki Healing

If you are familiar with alternative treatments, you may have heard of Reiki. It is a Japanese technique used for various types of healing which can be done by a Reiki practitioner or you can even learn self healing. A simple explanation is that hands are placed on or just above the body in various positions to move ki(energy) to facilitate healing. Reiki was discovered over 100 years ago Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan and made its way to the United States in the 1960's. These ideals were added later to add spiritual balance and enable the client to accept they can heal from within themselves. . "The secret art of inviting happiness The miraculous medicine of all diseases Just for today, do not anger Do not worry and be filled with gratitude Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people. Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer. Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind The founder , Usui Mikao I received my first session from Reiki Master, Catalina Rivera, who has been practicing for 13 years and studied Reiki in Santiago, Chile. I wasn't sure what to expect at a session so I laid on the table and relaxed in my comfortable clothing, kept my eyes closed and ready to accept any and all healing. As she began to place her hands on me I felt a feeling of warmth and energy at the same time. I grew more and more relaxed throughout the session and even fell asleep. When I awoke I felt alert and clear headed with a deep feeling of relaxation. Everyone will feel different. I didn't have any major aches or pains the day of the treatment so more of an overwhelming feeling of calm and good health is what I felt. It seemed to last for a couple days. I would highly recommend trying Reiki and learning more about it. It is used in many hospitals now for cancer and pain management. If you want to learn more about Reiki you can hear Catalina speak at the November 7th Holistic Moms Meeting at the Oyster Bay Community Center in Oyster Bay, NY from 7-8:30. She can also be reached at Photos Courtesy of Photo Bucket

Thursday, October 10, 2013

National Costume Swap Day is Saturday October 12th but Beware of Toxic Costumes!!!

If you still have not figured out what your child will be for Halloween, you can swap last years costume for another at National Costume Swap Day this Saturday October 12th. This is a great way to recycle last years costume without spending money. Some costumes only are worn once, unless you are my daughter and like to dress up in them year round! If you do opt to buy a costume or swap, be aware of what kind of fabric it is made from especially if it is plastic. The off-gasing of chemicals in plastic/vinyl/PVC masks or other parts of the costume disrupt a young child's endocrine system and are extremely toxic. Natural fabrics are much safer for costumes. Making your own costume is even better. Some costumes have fabrics, glitter and accessories which can be irritating to children's skin and may even contain LEAD or is stuffed with who knows what "fillers" to make puffy animal costumes. Here is one option for a fairy or a knight. Whatever your child dresses up as, keep them safe! To find a Costume Swap near you go to Eco Mom Alliance.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Most Makeup Geared for Kids is Toxic, Choose Safe Makeup!

Kids should remain kids in my book. As they get older they will want to do what Mommy does. I found this includes getting into your makeup bag! My toddler likes to put on my lip balm and one day I found her with my lipstick all over her face. Luckily I can feel confident that ALL of my makeup is non-toxic thanks to the research I have done through EWG's Skin Deep. I carefully chose all of the makeup I wear by first researching ingredients for toxicity. Most people do not realize that even the majority of the makeup geared towards kids is made with harmful ingredients. Some of these ingredients are even carcinogenic. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is working towards changing guidelines for safer makeup and cosmetics. Luckily there are a few companies who are making organic, non-toxic products that are safe for you and your little girl in case she decides to mimic you. One company is Luna Organics. The products are made in Maryland and their standards comply with The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. Another is Pure Poppet. They are based in Australia as well as Orla and Maeve. If your little princess decides she wants to be a princess this Halloween or any other time of the year, please use caution and make sure she is wearing makeup that is safe.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Keep Ticks off of Pets Naturally!

We have 3 very furry dogs. An American Eskimo, and 2 Pomeranians who all shed and love to play in the grass. Unfortunately there are ticks where we live. Thankfully we have been able to keep the ticks from latching onto the dogs for nearly 2 years with the help of an All Natural Shampoo and Conditioner and occasionally using Flea and Tick drops. Summer is nearing its end and I have not seen a flea or tick yet! We buy our products from The Only Natural Pet Store online. The link to the online store is to the right on this page. Their Only Natural Pet Herbal Defense Shampoo and Conditioner is what we have been using. In addition to the occasional Natural Defense Squeeze On which contains various oils such as peppermint, cinnamon and lemongrass. We used this in the spring when the ticks seem to attack the most and did not have one get at my dogs! Instead of using the toxic products to keep fleas and ticks from biting your four legged friends, I highly recommend these products instead. I feel much safer letting my children touch the dogs with these natural products.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

"Green" Centerpieces (with a Purpose)

Here is the link to a Guest Blog which posted on July 16, 2013. The Sweet Christian Bride. You can apply the concepts of "Green" centerpieces to any event from a wedding, engagement dinner, family reunion, anniversary dinner, holiday dinner...the list goes on!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Is Toxic Triclosan hiding in your hand soap???

Washing hands is extremely important for toddlers and babies as well. When I am out I use my Clean Well hand wipes or sanitizer that is non-toxic. Sometimes I forget and need to wash my hands and use the soap from the restaurant or wherever we happen to be and regret it later. I sit in the car with a headache and finally remember that the smell from my hands is what is giving me a headache. The scented, chemical ridden soap that I used on myself and maybe my child is what is making me ill. The toxins of fragrance are bad enough but would you believe that there is a toxic ingredient hiding in hand soaps that causes endocrine problems? That ingredient is Triclosan. It can cause a whole host of issues from interfering with muscle function to interfering with thyroid regulation. What is even more frightening is that triclosan was first registered as a PESTICIDE!!! It apparently was even added to lunch boxes, socks and even toys! It is thought to be antimicrobial but is doing more harm than good. Read more about triclosan. Some manufacturers are phasing it out of their products but others will still use this dangerous chemical until it is officially banned by the FDA. Research is currently being they say. For now, check your soap and avoid products that claim to be antimicrobial unless they state that they do not use TRICLOSAN.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Artificial Colors banned in Europe but US food is filled with them!

When you go to buy food you probably think the food is safe. If you are buying something prepared that has a list of ingredients, take a close look at those ingredients. You are more than likely to find an item that contains one or more artificial colors than has been banned in Europe. When I think of something with an artificial color I think of the obvious bright candies and drinks. Unfortunately this includes things such as pickles and ice cream to practically anything that comes in a package. The US is way behind in food safety regulations when it comes to artificial color/dyes. The colors that are banned in Europe have been linked to ADHD, cancer, allergic reactions and headaches just to name a few symptoms. What can you do? Do not purchase anything with a color such as these: FD&C Blue No. 1 РBrilliant Blue FCF, E133 (blue shade) FD&C Blue No. 2 РIndigotine, E132 (indigo shade) FD&C Green No. 3 РFast Green FCF, E143 (turquoise shade) FD&C Red No. 40 РAllura Red AC, E129 (red shade)** FD&C Red No. 3 РErythrosine, E127 (pink shade, commonly used in glac̩ cherries) FD&C Yellow No. 5 РTartrazine, E102 (yellow shade)** FD&C Yellow No. 6 РSunset Yellow FCF, E110 (orange shade)** The more fresh food you eat, the better you will feel! Try to avoid these colors at your Fourth of July picnics and you may avoid that headache. Food should be made as nature intended, not artificial!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Organic berry picking without pesticides!!

Last Saturday my daughter and some of her friends went to pick strawberries at Golden Earthworm Organic Farm, although I think she ate more than she picked. Since strawberries are on EWG's dirty dozen list, I knew we had to find an organic farm. Ordinary strawberries contain high levels of pesticides so if you plan to go picking berries this month, look for an organic farm. We picked strawberries to make homemade jam and some to freeze and use for smoothies. Strawberries contain antioxidants and Vitamin C. They are oh so tasty when they are fresh from the field and a great treat for the kids!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Stainless Steel Ice Cube Tray may be a safer option

After seeing a friend's stainless steel ice cube tray I decided this was something that needed to be added to my non-toxic kitchen. They are BPA free, aluminum free and free of plastic. The grips are made of silicone so your fingers don't freeze. This reminded me of a tray from the 50's that our grand-parents or great-grandparents may have had. I suspect the older metal trays may have been made of aluminum which now should be avoided. There are concerns by some that stainless leaches out lead and cadmium while cooking. Since the water is freezing I don't feel there should be cause for concern. Stainless is a better option than silicone or plastic by far. I found mine on

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sambazon Organic Juices...yum! And a Giveaway!

We were so excited to try the Organic Sambazon Juices. They are also gluten free, Non-GMO certified, vegan and Fair Trade! All of those wonderful designations on a product are hard to come by these days. Never having tried Acai juice we were not sure what the taste would be like. The Acai Original flavor tasted like a mild blackberry juice. The Blueberry Pomegranate tasted like a mixed berry. They also have an array of other flavors that can be found at I would have liked to try the other flavors but since I am allergic to soy...I could not. These Sambazon juices are a great treat or for a snack when sugar levels are running low. My husband is actually mixing the Blueberry Pomegranate in with goat yogurt for homemade popsicles. Acai berries have many antioxidant properties and are known as a "superfood". If you are watching your sugar levels, use caution because there are 24 grams of sugar in the Original Acai flavor. Thanks Mom's Meet for connecting me to the Sambazon sampling!#momsmeet Look for the Sambazon juices and smoothies in your local market! The first reader to respond to this blog post will win 3 free product vouchers plus a wooden bowl and spoon valued at $45. Open to US residents only. Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet Blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Organic Spring Clothes for Tots!

Organic clothes are hard to find for toddlers in stores other than Hanna Anderson. When I came across organic cotton t-shirts, leggings and shorts at H & M I had to stock up! With multiple wardrobe changes throughout the day because of water spills, dirt from outside or a "I don't want to wear this anymore" I always need to have extra clean clothes. The benefits of organic cotton are great. The cotton is grown without the use of pesticides which means it is safer when it touches your child's skin and good for the environment! Organic cotton may also help if your child has allergies or chemical sensitivities to conventionally grown cotton. Hanna Anderson also has Oeko-tex certified clothing which is tested for harmful chemicals. With all of the health problems children now face, better safe than sorry. Click the ad above to the current sale at Hanna Anderson! Have fun shopping for spring deals!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Have a Green Lawn the Healthy Way!

It is that time of year when everyone wants to plant flowers and make their yard green. Be sure to do it the healthy way so you do not endanger your children, pets and the environment. Jonathan Green has some great Organic Products. You can also use Corn Meal Fertilizer which is safer. According to the Dirt Doctor...he now uses Zeolite. Read more from The Dirt Doctor on how to care for your lawn. There is also Eartheasy to buy products online. You can ask your local nursery for their non-toxic products. Do your research. I like the book "The Organic Lawn Care Manual" by Paul Tukey.
I also just came across a website called Beyond Pesticides. They are the National Coalition for Pesticide-Free Lawns which is a non-profit organization trying to end pesticide use. Ordinary pesticides have been linked to cancer and other health disorders. Before you think you are going out to that home improvement store to buy all the big brands like Scotts, Roundup..owned by Monsanto, please re-think your gardening routine. This spring is the time to Green your lawn and garden naturally without chemicals that harm you and the environment. If golf courses are starting to go "Green" naturally without chemicals, so can you.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Juicing for babies!

My husband and I have been juicing for years. Our 3 year old loves our tasty juices as well. A few weeks ago our now 8 month old baby had her first taste. I mixed a small amount of the juice with her oatmeal to make a creamy treat full of nutrients from organic vegetables. Our standard juice usually includes organic kale, beets or beet greens, celery, and apple. All organic of course. She really loved the taste and now we will be juicing for all!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

New Bamboobies are great for nursing moms!!

In an effort never to buy or use disposable nursing pads I purchased organic cotton reusable pads. They work great most of the time unless it has been hours since you nursed; then you tend to leak through them. Sometimes they leak overnight as well. I just came to accept this was one of those things you just have to get used to with nursing and trying to keep garbage out of the landfill! Well say no more to that with my new favorite nursing pad...Bamboobies!!! They are made primarily from eco-friendly bamboo which grows very quickly. They also contain organic cotton and hemp! What keeps them from leaking is the polyester with polyurethane waterproofing. From what I have read online it is considered safe. I am not a fan of polyester but if you don't want an embarrassing leak...these do the trick to prevent it. I have to say they are a little more expensive than the organic cotton but much much more comfortable when they get wet. They are also thinner and less noticeable under shirts. Bamboobies come in assorted colors as well. I only wish I had found these sooner!! I think using a combo of organic cotton pads at home and Bamboobies when I'm out will be the perfect eco-friendly combination while I am nursing!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Eco-Friendly Plated Dinner

Here is a guest post I wrote which posted March 19th 2013. If you are planning a wedding, please follow The Sweet Christian Bride to help you along the way! You can apply the concepts to any party, dinner, or large function to GREEN your event! The Sweet Christian Bride

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dangers of Wrinkle Free Clothes and Sheets...Formaldehyde!!!

You bring that new baby home and the last thing you want to do is iron your husbands clothes while the baby naps right??? So you some wrinkle-free shirts and pants and maybe sheets? WRONG!!! This is the last thing you ever want to bring into your home. These items contain FORMALDEHYDE to give them that crisp look!! It is a human carcinogen...need I say more??? A few years back 180 items were tested. Results: from New York Times Article "about 5.5 percent of the items — primarily wrinkle-free shirts and pants, easy-care pillow cases, crib sheets and a boy’s baseball hat — exceeded the most stringent standards of 75 parts per million, for products that touch the skin. (Levels must be undetectable, or less than 20 parts per million for children under 3 years, and can be as high as 300 parts per million for products like outerwear that do not come into direct contact with the skin.)" Just think what happens when your husband is burping the baby while he wears his wrinkle-free shirt or what baby is breathing as you place him/her on toxic sheets. You may not know it but Formaldehyde is hiding is many household items like your upholstered sofa, curtains, and the construction materials in your walls. What you can do is limit your exposure and chose not to buy wrinkle-free, wrinkle-resistant, no iron, or permanent press items. Organic cotton, bamboo, and wool are your safest options for clothes and sheets and are becoming more readily available.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Identlfy GMO labels when you shop for fruits and veggies!

Do you know what the label on your fruit or vegetable means??? It actually tells you more than you think. It is a price look-up code that also tells you how the food was grown. If the label has a four digit code it is conventionally grown with chemical pesticides or fertilizers. If it starts with a 9, it is organic which is what you should strive to buy. Certified organic food is the safest option for your children. If it starts with an 8....drop that food and means it is genetically modified. The food was altered genetically to make it bigger or more colorful. Genetically modified foods are causing concern because we do not know the long term affects they may have on our bodies. More articles on dangers of GMOS. Food should be left as mother nature intended. In Europe foods are clearly labeled so you know if they are GMO. To see what foods the Environmental Working Group suggests you should buy organic and which contain the least amount of more.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

BPA in out as you do your taxes!!

It is tax time people. Receipts. Receipts. Receipts. As I am going through all of my varied receipts in hopes of getting a big refund, I am constantly washing my hands every time I need to tend to the baby. In case you did not know, the ink from the receipts contains the harmful BPA or Bisphenol A. I am refering to the cash register type receipts. After you touch the receipts you do not want this BPA ink transfering to your children. BPA is now banned in baby bottles. Word of caution...DO NOT let your children handle receipts. The ink goes on their fingers...into their mouths. Until BPA is banned everywhere, handle receipts with caution!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Cereal for Babies....Oatmeal. Say NO to Arsenic laden Rice Cereal!!!

Since there have been no limits determined for what arsenic levels are safe for babies, I have decided to give my baby organic oatmeal cereal by Happy Baby as her first food...followed by organic fruits and veggies. There are a few brands of Organic Oatmeal but I prefer Happy Baby products. There are still several baby rice cereals on the market even though the arsenic levels are more than 10 times the legal limit for drinking water in these rice cereals! The Environmental Working Group has more info on arsenic in rice. They even say not to give your infant rice cereal. I could not agree more. Consumer Reports tested several rice products including infant cereal and found worrisome results. What more can I say...say no to rice cereal for your baby. The long term effects are yet to be seen. I fed my todder rice cereal before arsenic in rice became big news. If you want to detox from the rice you or your child have been eating, do epsom salt baths which may help rid your body of this heavy metal. Until limits and more research is done on arsenic in rice...keep your family safe!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Treeless Tissues oh so soft!!!

As we were walking the aisles of a new market, we found a new product we love! 100% Treeless tissues from True Green Enterprises. They are made from sugar cane by-products and bamboo, reed or grass. This is the first product of this nature that I have come across. Bamboo grows so quickly which is why it is a perfect option for paper products. They also make toilet paper, napkins, paper towels and copy paper!!! They also do not use chlorine to whiten their products...bonus!!! So great, so
green, so exciting!! "Green to a higher power"... Green 2 is their logo...look for it!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why Breastmilk is Best and tips to help you succeed!!

Breastfeeding is by far the greenest option for feeding your newborn. You do not have the manufacturing of formula and you can also go without bottles for as long as you wish. No clean up! I have successfully breastfed my baby for almost 6 months. There is a great sense of accomplishment that comes with this. Breastmilk has the best nutrients, antibodies to fight off viruses, and it is free! I breastfed my first child til she was almost 17 months! My first child needed a supplement of formula(so I was told) once a day which I gave at night. The only reason I had started that in the first place was because the hospital instructed me to do so because she had lost too much weight after birth. They said they would not release us if I didn't give her formula to help her gain some weight back. Since the hospital did not have organic formula my husband was taking taxi's around NYC to find a store that had organic formula. Now organic formula is much easier to find. Talk about drama!! After my milk fully came, I may have been able to feed her just breastmilk but I continued with one bottle a day for 6 months. Since I was a new mom who didn't know what to do, I listened to the hospital's advice. Hence, mostly at night after the bottle she became collicky for a few weeks. To help with milk production I drink Traditional Medicinals Mother's Milk tea. I brought it with me to the hospital and drank a few cups a day. Now I drink a cup a day or every other day. It really works great and tastes good with Stevia to sweeten it.
My second baby has rarely been collicky!! She has only had breastmilk. The only thing I had to change in my diet was stop drinking goat milk because it made her spit up more. She only seems fussy when she is hungry and gets gassy if I eat too much garlic or broccoli. I have read about what to eat and what not to eat to prevent colic or fussiness. It seems to vary among babies. What I have found to be a common factor among several women is that they must stop eating dairy because it has a negative effect on the infant. What I did find surprising is that you should avoid peppermint and parsley because it can halt milk production. Remember also to avoid caffeine and alcohol or use the test strips to check your milk after you have a drink. I truly believe each baby is different and you just have to see what works for you. If you have a family history of certain food allergies, your baby may be allergic as well. Common allergens are things such as wheat, eggs, corn, dairy, shellfish and soy.
If you plan on breastfeeding there are certain things I feel are essential to make it as easy as possible. First you need Earth Mama Angel Baby Nipple Cream. There are other brands but this is lanolin free, organic and doesn't need to be washed off before feeding your baby. A breast pump is great to have. They are pricey but well worth it! The Medela Freetyle is what I have and it also comes in handy when it is time to mix milk with baby cereal like oatmeal. Or you can express by hand which works to add milk to oatmeal... but it is not easy...milk just seems to go all over the kitchen and not much in the oatmeal bowl! So I suggest a pump of some sort! As far as bottles...right now I am using the medela BPA free that go with the breast pump. I have read that glass is not good for breast milk according to Dr. Sears. I have not frozen any milk this time or reheated. It is fresh at room temp and then tossed after a few hours. This baby won't take a bottle so easily after 2 weeks of not having one after hurricane Sandy. Luckily she just started eating oatmeal so my husband can help out again!!! Nursing bras and tanks are great too. You will want to have one per day or you will smell like sour milk. I like the nursing tanks for the winter to keep extra warm. Instead of the disposable breastpads filling up landfills, I like the organic cotton reusable breastpads. It is also good to have a few nursing tops to make it easier to feed when you are in public. Gap Maternity has the best quality and most comfortable selection of nursing tops in my opinion and if they are on sale...even better! A button down shirt will work also but if you have a fussy baby, easy access is best! A good nursing pillow is helpful but the popular brands are made from toxic materials such as polyurethane foam!! Here are Natural options for nursing pillows. You can use a latex pillow which is safe as well or lay down to nurse which is so relaxing. Remember women have breastfed for ages without a nursing pillow!!! Whatever option is best for you, please give breastfeeding a try! You can contact your local Le Leche League for help if your hospital does not have a lactation consultant.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Healthy Cooking with Enamel Cookware!

It is a new year and I have a new Le Cruset Enamel pot. It is one of the safest options to cook with for your family besides cast iron as long as it is not rusted. Enamel is essentially glass, you don't have to worry about Teflon flaking or aluminum or nickel leaching from your stainless or aluminum cookware. I actually bought my Le Cruset pot over a year ago and it was working great until I came home and hubby tells me he was cooking quinoa in it and somehow....the enamel on the bottom bubbled. Why I love Le Cruset...they guarantee their cookware for life!!! We simply shipped it back and in a couple weeks a new pot arrived! How many companies will replace a product if it fails??? The benefits of using enamel are great. Food doesn't stick and enamel is easy to clean with a little soap or add baking soda to get a little more shine to your enamel. If you have not heard the dangers of on. Read more about metal cookware. Take a look at the chart regarding how much metals leach from cookware and Dr. Mercola's video. If you are going to spend the money on organic food...make sure you don't get any added toxins by having the safest cookware!