In an effort never to buy or use disposable nursing pads I purchased organic cotton reusable pads. They work great most of the time unless it has been hours since you nursed; then you tend to leak through them. Sometimes they leak overnight as well. I just came to accept this was one of those things you just have to get used to with nursing and trying to keep garbage out of the landfill! Well say no more to that with my new favorite nursing pad...
Bamboobies!!! They are made primarily from eco-friendly bamboo which grows very quickly. They also contain organic cotton and hemp! What keeps them from leaking is the polyester with polyurethane waterproofing. From what I have read online it is considered safe. I am not a fan of polyester but if you don't want an embarrassing leak...these do the trick to prevent it. I have to say they are a little more expensive than the organic cotton but much much more comfortable when they get wet. They are also thinner and less noticeable under shirts. Bamboobies come in assorted colors as well. I only wish I had found these sooner!! I think using a combo of organic cotton pads at home and Bamboobies when I'm out will be the perfect eco-friendly combination while I am nursing!
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