With all of the food allergies that kids can have, you can never be too cautious when trying out a new food for your baby. My husband and I decided to go the Goat Milk route instead of giving our baby Cow's Milk products. The controversy over hormones in Cow's milk made me decide on Goat products since they contain nothing that causes me to worry. The brands we use, Redwood Hill Farm and Meyenberg are hormone and antibiotic free.
Goat Milk is the norm in most countries. Our baby has Goat yogurt for breakfast and also as a snack. She loves it mixed with applesauce, bananas or berries(all organic of course)or just plain. She also likes the Goat milk in her sippy cup, goat cheese and sheep cheese. She has never had an ear infection or bad cold either. It apparently causes less mucous than Cow's milk. Goat milk is easier to digest and more nutritious from the research I've done. More on Goat milk. Look for it next time you go to the market.
Even more on why the goat is good!!