Friday, December 21, 2012
Upcycle last years Holiday Cards for Gift Tags!
Now that I am on a roll with the Santa Saks and Gift Saks...I have decided to Upcycle last years Holiday Cards into Gift Tags! Those cards you receive that don't have a family photo can be reused!!! The cards with the beautiful pictures of snowmen, santas, elves, tress, winter scenes, etc. can make great gift tags.
All you need is a whole punch and some ribbon! Add a simple note and done. You don't have to spend a penny on gift tags! If you don't have Holiday cards, you can make your own from construction paper. It is easy and cheaper than than gift tags.
If you run out of paper for gifts...use tissue paper with year you can buy "Santa Saks" and save time and a tree or two!
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Good luck wrapping or "Saking" your gifts!
Contact me about purchasing your "Santa Saks".
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Reuseable Holiday "Santa Saks" or "Gift Saks"! Order for next year!
Wrapping paper is not eco-friendly and most of us are not good at making it look like it was wrapped at a department store. Gift bags are pretty, but how many times can you reuse one before it looks like you pulled it from the garbage??? The amount of trash accumulated during the holidays from boxes, paper, and Christmas decorations that end up in a landfill is quite sad.
The perfect solution is "Santa Saks" or "Gift Saks". I decided to make a few last Christmas and a few more this year. I would like to take credit for this idea but as I googled is an Australian tradition. Great for those hard fit items, small trinkets, and everything you wish to give for Christmas or Hanukkah. Put a few items in one Sak and save time, money and help save the environment and thousands of trees! They are also great to have for kids birthdays, baby showers, and bridal showers too!
Contact me to special order your "Santa Saks" for next year or for your special event.
Pricing varies upon fabric selected, size of sak, ribbon etc. from 5.99 and up.
Be sure to be eco-friendly for next year!!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Presents for your Pets!
Yes we have stockings for each of our dogs. Before we had children, they were our children. For those that have pets you know exactly what I am talking about. I found some great ideas for stocking stuffers for your beloved furry friends at the Only Natural Pet Store. They have the best selection of natural and organic products for your pets.
My favorite shampoo and conditioner for our dogs is the Only Natural Pet Herbal Defense Shampoo. It works better on our dogs than the harmful flea and tick repellants. Last spring the dogs had NO TICKS!!! I was shocked at how well it worked. I have to warn you that after the first shampoo they smell a little like potpourri and cloves but it is a nice mellow scent that wears off quickly. The herbs must be what keeps the ticks and fleas away!
They also have a large selection of holiday gifts for your dog or cat. From chew toys to treats you can fill your pets stocking with a nice non-toxic surprise! They even have eco-friendly hemp collars and leashes!! Click on the link above on the right to see what gifts you can find for your pet!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
There is a New "Honest" Diaper in our House!
It is hard to believe my newest addition is 4 months old already. This summer while I was preparing for her arrival, I looked at my diaper options to see if there was a better option than the Nature Babycare diapers I had been using for Brooke. We still love their training diapers which hold up extremely well as a nightime diaper for her!!
After doing some research...The Honest Company is the best and safest option for our little Harley with no toxic ingredients. I ordered the newborn size and it is the best fit I have found for a leaks!!!!! She is now in a size 1 going on 2 and we still love them! The color assortment that you choose from is great too. The biodegradable wipes are awesome as well. No toxic chemicals either. If you buy them in a bundle you get a great discount with cute designs and most important...they are safe for your baby! I am so impressed with this company and its effort to be GREEN. When I call and speak to someone on the phone who is clearly from the USA...they sound so cheerful and eager to help. How often does that happen in customer service??!!!
The Honest Company also offers a line of cleaning and bath and body products I am eager to try. Check out their website and see their price compare chart and try them. You will love them for your baby!!! Your baby will love them when his or her bottom is diaper rash free and free of toxic ingredients!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Eco-Friendly Luggage!!!
With the holidays coming, people will be traveling here and there. Maybe you need a new set of luggage??? I was looking at some online debating if I need an extra suitcase since we have another child. I thought to myself...I'm not buying a piece of hard plastic or something that is made from PVC/Vinyl(the toxins in the air from the off-gasing of those types of luggage will be dreadful for a newborn.)
I happened to see a set of luggage made from RECYCLED PLASTIC from a company called HEYS!!! They even have sets with BIODEGRADABLE FABRIC! It is a genius idea to make biodegradable fabric since those old suitcases end up in a landfill somewhere and making a bonfire with them is not a good idea either since the plastics/chemicals emitted are toxic. My guess is that the fabric luggage is a better choice. Since I have not seen them in person I'm not sure if there is any off-gasing from the recycled ABS hard plastic luggage sets, but will update when I find out. You can almost always tell from the smell of products if it is toxic. If it has a smell...I don't buy it. ABS plastic is better than PVC and durable. Finding a material that will hold up well seems to be why luggage is still made from plastic. read more.
Who knew a company could get so creative and GREEN!!! While I don't need an entire set at the moment, I know where to look when I do! So happy to know an ECO FRIENDLY SUITCASE exists!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Our Drug Free All Natural Birth!
If you have seen the movie "The Business of Being Born",it changes the way you look at childbirth. If you have not seen it, please WATCH IT!! Women have been giving birth for centuries without drugs or medical intervention. In the case of high risk pregnancies or when an emergency arises, it is great that medicine has advanced to help. However, women's bodies were created to give birth.
After the long labor of our first child, I knew there was a better way. We had prepared with Hypnobirthing but only for a little over a month. I was in labor for 20 hours without an epidural and having contractions 5 minutes apart that were all in my back. Because of the back labor I gave in to an epidural only to have a horrible reaction which didn't allow me to walk for 3 days. I also had uncontrolable shaking, it took 2 times to get the epidural in the correct location in my back, I had to be given a drug to stop the labor because of all this and then given Pitocin to "get going" again. The total labor was 29 hours!! I had to have an MRI to figure out why I could not walk while my husband took care of our newborn. I could not feel my left leg for 3 days. The team of neurologists, anethesiologists and other physicians in my room trying to figure out what caused this was ridiculous. Thank God it was only a temporary problem and I finally got the feeling back in my leg to walk again. The lower back pain for months after was not fun either...all from the drugs in the epidural cocktail.
Our plan to achieve an all natural birth with the second child and succeed was something we knew had to happen. We took a Bradley Birth class this time and hired a doula, Kathy Shamoun from Openspace Wellness, who is also an acupuncturist. We did come across some obsticles with me being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and the doctor talking about inducing. Inducing almost always leads to an epidural because the contractions become so fierce (not as nature intended) and increases the risks of a c-section.
I was able to manage my diabetes with diet and not be induced. I followed my normal acupuncture routine and did all of the recommended things to get labor started naturally and labor started on my due date! After walking up and down escalators, eating eggplant parmesian, wasabi with a spider roll, raspberry tea and other things...the contractions started about 10 minutes apart at 4pm. At first I thought it was Braxton-Hicks again, but they continued to get closer and closer together. Around 10pm they were 5 minutes apart and we knew the doula needed to come and we needed to get to the city. We made it to the hospital when the contractions were about 2 minutes apart so I was only in the labor/delivery room for about 2 hours. The doula/acupuncturist, Kathy, put needles in appropriate locations to help with the discomfort while at home. Towards the end I did have some back labor but it did not last long thankfully. Having her apply pressure to my lower back was key along with the deep breathing/gutteral sounds you are encouraged to make during contractions. It really really helped me focus, almost making me numb. It was not anything like I imagined or you would see on TV. I was silent during the pain at all!! I went from 6 centimeters to pushing out the baby in an hour. I delivered at 3:50 am standing up while leaning over the bed as shown in the picture. This was done without drugs and without a tear or stitch needed. Read about perineal massage...the best kept secret for a natural birth!! We did not cut the cord right away and waited until the pulsating stopped. Read more on the benefits of waiting to clamp umbilical cord. This is possible!!! My recovery was so much easier than last time, my mood is better, my milk came in faster, my stomache flattened quicker too! I know a natural birth is not possible for everyone, but if you don't have complications you should at least research it and give it a try. The cesarian rates go up and up in this country. Birth should not have to be a surgery unless absolutely necessary. The all natural experience we had was amazing!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Green on the Scene: Non-toxic Bathtub Grips for Tots!
Green on the Scene: Non-toxic Bathtub Grips for Tots!: I have been on a search for months to find a bathtub mat or grips that are not made from Vinyl also known as PVC. The toxicity from t...
Non-toxic Bathtub Grips for Tots!
I have been on a search for months to find a bathtub mat or grips that are not made from Vinyl also known as PVC. The toxicity from the offgassing of Vinyl/PVC are not something you want to inhale or have your child inhale! Read more on this from Healthy Child Healthy World.
Finally I have found suitable non-toxic options from GREEN SPROUTS!!!! They have tiny whale shaped mats that are made from rubber. Depending on how long your tub is, one box of 5 should prevent your child from sliping and sliding. If you have a long tub you may want 2 boxes of 5. They are sold at and come with a cute bath mit! GREEN SPROUTS also makes a baby bath mat which can be found at You could also use this in combination with the whale for added slip protection. also sells it but it is out of stock. I can't believe these are the only non-toxic bath mats on the market!!! Time to toss out your smelly vinyl mats so your children can breathe easy....even if they are shaped like your childs favorite characters!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Baby bottles and may be the safest option!
I happened to be looking at some of my old posts(READ BELOW) and my intuition was right!!! The latest results are in and the BPA FREE bottles still contain harmful chemicals that are endocrine disrupters. Then today I read something regarding the safety of silicone cookware. I threw out our silicone cupcake pan after reading something that had me concerned a few years ago. Granted, you do need a silicone nipple even if you use a glass baby bottle. Just be sure to replace the nipples often and hand washing is preferred. Now that my 3rd baby is coming in about 6 or 7 weeks, I am not even getting out the pump or bottles. I think I tried to use them with my second baby for a bit so hubby could help out and then Hurricane Sandy hit and all I did was breastfeed for over 10 days and she lost interest in bottle of breastmilk.
Read more on Silicone. Read more on BPA free Bottles and Toxicity.
Three years ago I was on the search for everything organic/non-toxic for my first baby. Now that the second baby is due in August, I see there are alot more options now which is great. One item I am still not convinced is safe, is the plastic baby bottle even though they are BPA free. I have seen the stainless steel options but still aren't sure since they are relatively new. I am going to breast feed 95 percent of the time but when I do need a bottle, I want to be sure it is safe.
What other chemicals could leach out of that plastic bottle in the bottle warmer??? Intuition tells me that with further research it is bound to be something else. Think about are heating plastic!!! Maybe a room temperature plastic bottle would be OK in an emergency, but I think I may opt for the glass bottles. Environmental Working Group agrees with glass bottles as well with a silcone more of their tips. Think of using the plastic inserts...they don't recommend that. Also avoid flourinated water by using filtered tap water.
Remember when your dentist said to get flouride??? He was wrong! And if you must use formula, use powdered. This should go without saying....but never microwave bottles. I think I have tried at least 6 different types of bottles and found glass to work great. Glass bottles seem to clean the easiest as well. I have a stainless bottle that I will try and see how that works. Breast is best then you don't have to worry about bottles!!!
Remember when your dentist said to get flouride??? He was wrong! And if you must use formula, use powdered. This should go without saying....but never microwave bottles. I think I have tried at least 6 different types of bottles and found glass to work great. Glass bottles seem to clean the easiest as well. I have a stainless bottle that I will try and see how that works. Breast is best then you don't have to worry about bottles!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Organic and Non-toxic GREEN LAWNS for a safe and healthy family!

When you play outside with your dogs and children, shouldn't you feel safe?? Having a non-toxic, organic lawn will ensure that. Think of what your neighbors are putting down. Some communities are putting regulations on lawn care such as those in Connecticut.
If you haven't heard of the company Monsanto...they are the manufacturers of Roundup which is linked to a variety of health problems. This is what a lot of people reach for to kill weeds. Think again people!!! Read about the dangers and toxicity of Round-up. More on Roundup Toxicity.
It seems almost everyone wants a green, weed-free lawn but there are healthy ways to achieve this without exposing you and your family to cancer causing ingredients. There are several products on the market from Jonathan Green Organic, corn gluten formulas, and several other options. All you need to do is a little research and protect your family. The major home improvement stores now have non-toxic and organic options. All organic products are not necessarily non-toxic though. Some products sound safe and claim to be all natural but are not. For example, my husband researched something that we were told was what one of the ingredients causes and it was sold on an organic website!!! Buyer beware!
(PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS Product: it contains 7.49% Nitrate Nitrogen
Nitrate nitrogen has been much publicized in recent years in relations to the problem of "blue babies." In concentrations as low as 10 to 20 mg/1 nitrate nitrogen has caused illness and even death among infants under six months of age. If such water is used for supplemental or for complete bottle feeding, it may affect the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. This oxygen starvation is called methemoglobinemia, or more commonly, the "blue baby" condition. This serious illness in infants is caused because nitrate is converted to nitrite in the higher pH conditions existing in the stomachs and intestinal tracts of infants under six months of age. Nitrite interferes with the oxygen carrying capacity of a child's or baby animal's blood. This is an acute disease in that the symptoms can develop rapidly. In most cases, health deteriorates rapidly over a period of days. Symptoms include shortness of breath and blueness of skin.) Other products like Calcium Hydroxide, and forms of lime can cause serious health issues for young infants, pregnant women or anyone who inhales them. These products are dangerous and unfortunately still on the market. Twenty some years ago other lawn care chemicals were outlawed and there were cancer clusters around golf courses. Some golf courses are going green. If they can so can you!!
The rise in rare cancers from environmental causes should be an eye opener to us all. Read more. Lawn care products are no joking matter. They are extremely toxic and you almost need a chemistry degree to be sure they are applied safely. Most don't disclose every ingredient either. Organic is the way to go! Don't forget your pets are even more at risk being so low to the ground as a toddler is as well. Check out an organic lawn care book from the library or look up options online. It will protect you, your family and the environment. Websites to help you decipher pesticides. More websites.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Eco-Friendly Easter!
Hard to believe this post was from 2 years ago! Brooke has her organic chocolate list for the Easter Bunny! We all know the true meaning of Easter. To make it fun for kids who are too young to grasp the meaning....Easter Egg Hunts are a fun way for them to celebrate. There are Eco-Friendly ways to do this with Bio-degradable eggs that you can fill with Organic or Fair Trade Chocolates and Dye-Free Candy. I found them at The Natural Candy They also have them at Eco Eggs.
You can also fill your basket with Bio-degradable grass instead of the plastic grass. I found it on amazon. They also have it at Party City...who would have guessed?
If you are still wanting more treats...Try Indie Candie, Sweet Earth Chocolates, Lake Champlain Chocolates, or Green and Blacks.
Now my sweet tooth is calling and I'm waiting for my Easter treats to arrive!!! If you try to make at least one aspect of your Easter Holiday Eco-Friendly, it can make a big difference. Happy Easter!!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Arsenic in Rice! What is safe???
A few months ago there were a few articles about inorganic arsenic exposure in rice. The study was done on pregnant women. A few months later we come to find that it is also in Brown Rice Syrup which was found in an Organic Baby/Toddler Formula!!
If you are on a Gluten Free diet like we are....this is alarming due to the amount of rice products we have in our home. When the first article came out I cleared my cupboards of everything that had non-organic rice in it such as pancake mixes, pizza mixes, snack bars, cake mixes, rice milk, etc. Originally it sounded like if it was was OK, not the case. Now we are finding that since inorganic arsenic is occurring due to the way rice is grown, it is hard to avoid. Brown rice contains more than white!! Basmati and jasmine are safer options containing less arsenic. I also found an article stating that you can soak your rice before cooking to draw out the arsenic.
What is most surprising to me is that in 2009 there were articles circulating about the arsenic in rice milk and how toddlers should not be drinking it. Don't you think someone should have gotten a clue to immediately test products back then???!!?? It doesn't seem like any stores have pulled rice products from the shelves. Dr Oz stated that Brown Rice Syrup which may be in breakfast bars or other prepared foods is most worrisome due to the amount of rice required to make the syrup.
For now I am limiting rice intake to when we go out for Thai Food and that is usually Jasmine Rice. There have been no statements that I can find currently warning against not consuming other rice products like crackers, rice puffs, etc. The FDA is currently testing other rice products, but who knows how long it will take to get those results!! I have been on a mission for months to find replacements for rice crackers and pancake mixes, etc. After I read each box and label I did find options, but it was no easy For now I say better safe than sorry and limit your intake if you are pregnant or have a health issue, limit it for young children and maybe even think twice about using rice cereal as babies first food until the amount in the cereal is properly tested. There are currently NO US regulations on arsenic in rice products.
If you do consume rice products what you can do to release the heavy metal arsenic from your body is take a salt bath. Here are several articles stating its benefits. Brooke and I have been doing it weekly and see a difference...or maybe it is the limited rice consumption?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
GREENGUARD CERTIFIED...if you have kids...know what this means
It is that time of year where we want to remain inside most of the time due to the cold, rain and snow. Did you know indoor air quality is probably a lot worse than outside? This is why it is so important to choose your indoor furnishings carefully. It is of utmost importance if you have children or are putting together a nursery. The GREENGUARD ENVIRONMENTAL INSTITUTE can help you choose the proper furnishings for your home or a remodeling project that have been certified for low chemical emissions. Their website is extremely helpful and full of information to help make your home healthier.
When you are putting together a nursery, you have to think about the items your baby will be coming in direct contact with on a daily basis. The crib mattress, changing pad, and sheets are going to be so close to the infants face that these items should be GREEN GUARD CERTIFIED. Anything less has been treated with flame retardants which can pose serious health threats. Find more tips on finding a healthy mattress from Healthy Child Healthy World.
I personally use a Naturepedic Bassinet Pad, Crib Mattress, and Changing Pad. They can be purchased from the advertisers link on my blog. They are worth the money!!! You can ask friends and family to buy them and eventually you could resell or donate them. For bedding, organic crib sheets are a must. Knowing that cotton is the most pesticide laden crop besides can you not buy an organic sheet??? An organic crib sheet is so inexpensive and can be bought just about anywhere. Look at the options.
Don't forget to use GREEN GUARD CERTIFIED Paint, Flooring, and Furniture. It may seem overwhelming at first but you can choose items carefully knowing your child is protected. Indoor air quality which is a result of toxins given off from ordinary products are linked to asthma, allergies and some forms of cancer. To read more on this. Download the GREENGUARD NURSERY CHECKLIST for more tips or email me for a consultation in the NYC area.
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