A few months ago there were a few articles about
inorganic arsenic exposure in rice. The
study was done on pregnant women. A few months later we come to find that it is also in Brown Rice Syrup which was found in an
Organic Baby/Toddler Formula!!
If you are on a Gluten Free diet like we are....this is alarming due to the amount of rice products we have in our home. When the first article came out I cleared my cupboards of everything that had non-organic rice in it such as pancake mixes, pizza mixes, snack bars, cake mixes, rice milk, etc. Originally it sounded like if it was organic...it was OK, not the case. Now we are finding that since inorganic arsenic is occurring due to the way rice is grown, it is hard to avoid. Brown rice contains more than white!! Basmati and jasmine are safer options containing less arsenic. I also found an article stating that you can soak your rice before cooking to draw out the arsenic.
What is most surprising to me is that in
2009 there were articles circulating about the arsenic in rice milk and how toddlers should not be drinking it. Don't you think someone should have gotten a clue to immediately test products back then???!!?? It doesn't seem like any stores have pulled rice products from the shelves.
Dr Oz stated that Brown Rice Syrup which may be in breakfast bars or other prepared foods is most worrisome due to the amount of rice required to make the syrup.
For now I am limiting rice intake to when we go out for Thai Food and that is usually Jasmine Rice. There have been no statements that I can find currently warning against not consuming other rice products like crackers, rice puffs, etc. The FDA is currently testing other rice products, but who knows how long it will take to get those results!! I have been on a mission for months to find replacements for rice crackers and pancake mixes, etc. After I read each box and label I did find options, but it was no easy For now I say better safe than sorry and limit your intake if you are pregnant or have a health issue, limit it for young children and maybe even think twice about using rice cereal as babies first food until the amount in the cereal is properly tested. There are currently NO US regulations on arsenic in rice products.
If you do consume rice products what you can do to release the heavy metal arsenic from your body is take a salt bath.
Here are several articles stating its benefits. Brooke and I have been doing it weekly and see a difference...or maybe it is the limited rice consumption?