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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Help Heartburn During Pregnancy Naturally with Essential Oils!

During pregnancy all sorts of things happen to the body that may need a little help from an all natural remedy.  The one that I have been waiting and waiting for is heartburn!  I expected it to happen at the beginning of the third trimester and surprise it never came until about a month ago.  With my other two pregnancies it was something that occurred mostly at night and sometimes I needed to sleep somewhat upright to avoid it.  With this pregnancy I have been using Young Living Peppermint Oil in water mixed with Lemon Oil as a refreshing afternoon pick me up some days. Perhaps that is helping. Peppermint oil has all sorts of uses, I just didn't expect it to keep heartburn at bay! I also purchased a bottle of the Young Living Alkalime months ago in preparation for this heartburn which I thought we be as it was in prior pregnancies.  I have only used the Alkalime 4 times and it works immediately!!!!  I also watch what I eat and do not eat raw onions, only roasted and just a few bites.  My diet is healthy as it was with all pregnancies. I have not once had to sleep upright!!! The only thing I can attribute to not having heartburn nearly everyday and night is the Young Living Peppermint oil since I did not use it in other pregnancies...wish I had or my  sleep at night would have been much better! I will need to stop using it once a go into labor since Peppermint is known to halt breastmilk production...for now it is my favorite oil!
If you want more info on Young Living Oils and how you can get them me!