You may be able to grill year round or just in the summer. Whenever you do, be sure not to overcook your food. Those grill marks on meat and char-grilled hot dogs may be tasty, but they also may be bad for your health according to studies. Whenever the meats are cooked for long periods of time at high temperatures, they can form certain chemicals that are carcinogenic.
There are some things you can do while grilling to lower the exposure of toxins. You can marinate your food which seems to protect the meat. Opt for chicken or veggies on the grill rather than fattier meats such as beef or pork.
If you must have that steak on the grill every once in a blue moon, flip it instead of pricking it with a fork. Another chemical reaction happens as meat juices drop to the bottom of the grill making even more toxic gases around your dinner steak. Use a thermometer so you don't overcook or leave the food on the grill any longer than necessary. Most importantly, keep your grill clean!!! Those charred crumbs of mystery meat left on the grill will heat and release more chemicals. Start with a clean grill before each BBQ to ensure you are not increasing toxin exposure.
This from aolhealth:
"A 2003 study conducted by a French environmental campaigning group Robin des Bois found that the average two-hour barbecue can release about the same level of dioxins, a group of chemicals linked to the increased risk of cancer, as 220,000 cigarettes. Cooking on an elevated rack to allow fat to drip away helps further reduce exposure to dioxins, suggests the Illinois Department of Public Health."
Have I totally ruined your idea of a summer BBQ??? Just be cautious. Don't eat blackened or charred foods. It is especially important for your young children not to have them or for those men and women trying to conceive a child. You do not want anything toxic going in your body during this delicate time. Women breastfeeding should also use caution as well when ingesting food from a BBQ. The studies speak for themselves. Have a Happy and Safe BBQ! More on how to have a safe BBQ.
More info from The American Cancer Institute.
photo © Michael Jastremski
for openphoto.net CC:Attribution-ShareAlike
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