If you watched CNN's TOXIC CHILDHOOD last night, you know enough is enough. Time for a change to become GREENER people. The BP disaster should also be a wake up call. When will companies become responsible for their actions??? We as consumers have a choice. My husband and I refused to go to a BP station while on our trip to Pennsylvania last week. You could do the same. We all need to work towards getting rid of our dependence on oil. Don't buy plastics, walk or use public transportation if available, install solar panels and tankless water heaters. Reuse, recycle, compost, grow your own food.
If you've been reading for a week or a month, let me know. Please become a follower. Comment and let me know what you would like to learn more about to become GREENER in your life. You can start out with small changes that lead to totally GREENING your life and then teach your children to do the same!!! If Ed Begley can have the electric meter on his house go backwards, WE ALL CAN!!!
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