With the BP oil spill going on way too long, it makes one wonder how it is going to impact the seafood industry. A few weeks ago we traveled to the Pittsburgh Zoo and happened to see a new exhibit that featured information on seafood. It showed what was good to eat, good for the environment, etc. We were really surprised to see that and they even had pocket handouts from seafoodwatch.org to help you decide what seafood you should eat.
This information may change now that the BP oil spill is wreaking havoc on the Gulf.
I was watching a nightly news program over the weekend and happened to see that a fisherman was asked by a company he sells his seafood to, if they could market his product as "being from TEXAS"!!! Ok, the fact that I saw this on the news and furthermore that companies are permitted to do this tells me that we can't trust where our food comes from. If you have seen Food Inc, you know why to buy organic and not trust what officials say all the time. I don't know about you, but I would not eat something from anywhere near the spill. Seafood is what I'm concerned about primarily. What if there are farms in the area??? The well water supplies??? There is bound to be so much more devastation than we see at this moment. Very sad.
A few weeks ago I mentioned a movie Crude and how the people in Ecuador were sickened by oil on their land. My fear is that this could happen in Louisiana. I wouldn't let my baby girl, who is now standing, trying to walk, and has her top teeth coming in go anywhere near a hazardous area or eat any food that may be in question. In my opinion, you can't be too safe. Now that my baby is keeping me so busy that finding time to blog is difficult, I need to keep her health number one priority. If that means we are extremely choosy about our seafood, that is what we must do. What officials may say about safety, I don't always believe. Call it mothers intuition or a hunch, but I wouldn't eat a fish or shrimp from the Gulf or anywhere near there. Alaska and the Northeast are where I will get my seafood until further notice.
photo © Daniel Steger
for openphoto.net CC:Attribution-ShareAlike
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