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Monday, March 22, 2021

Water quality matters, but is of utmost importance for fertility.

 Do you know where your water comes from?  It is filled with toxins from run off of golf courses, factories, manufacturing and industrial plants?  We get a water quality report, but its not ideal in Long Island.  Do you live in a city the puts flouride ( a known neurotoxin) in the city water supply?  Its time to really think about what we are drinking. The plastic bottles aren't safe either even if they do claim to be BPA free. The best solution is buy an entire house water filtration system so you can even shower and wash your hands with toxin free water.  If thats not in the budget, an under the sink filter works great along with a shower filter.  I know firsthand how sensitive skin can be since break out in a rash from unfiltered water and it sometimes happens to my kids as well.  

If you are on the go, fill your filtered water in a stainless or glass travel thermos or purchase a safer water like Mountain Valley which comes in glass or Fiji.  You have all read the reports of how we are being tricked into thinking all bottled water comes from amazing springs and will be a healthy option. 

When couples are trying to conceive, the toxins in the water can impact the health of the eggs and sperm.  We need to be mindful about what we are putting in and on our bodies for the health of ourselves and our future children.  See the link for Aquasana, which is what I have in my shower and sink.   <a href=""><IMG border=0 src="" ></a><IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src="" >