Some people love that new car smell and the smell of new carpeting in your home. Did you ever think that it could be harmful to your health??? Sadly, it is toxic. Last week I had to go to an ENT(Ear, Nose, Throat Dr)to be sure I didn't have an ear infection. Never having been to his office, I was early to fill out paperwork. Well, wouldn't you know it, they were in the middle of renovating the office and had installed NEW carpet that was off-gasing so badly that I had to wait in the hall until the Dr could see me. Like many others, these odors give me headaches, nausea, and sometimes nosebleeds. The receptionist asked "You can still smell it?", which says to me that it had been there for longer than a month. This brings up another point. I was at an Ear, Nose and Throat Dr where people go when they are sick. Why install carpet that may make patients feel worse? It was the thin commercial carpeting that needed to be glued to a cement floor, which in turn made it more toxic because of the glues. Why, why, why I ask??? I think the medical community needs to take these things into consideration.
A larger concern is that babies and pets are down on the floor inhaling whatever chemical that is emitting into the air from Benzene to Formaldehyde. This article from Healthy Child Healthy World explains carpet and rugs in more detail.
There was even legislation in Vermont to have "healthier" carpet. Vermont Article.
The Environmental Protection Agency even has information on buying carpeting for Federal Purchasers.
Think stain repellent carpet would be good if you have children...think again. Article from EWG
Also be cautitous of old carpet due to the foam padding under the carpet. Article.
There are healthy options for carpeting if you can't have hardwood or tile.
There is a product from SAFECOAT to seal in the toxic fumes.
You can also purchase non toxic carpets made from Hemp, Sisal, Jute and Wool.
There is also a company that sells carpet tiles, Flor. Another website that seems to have a great selection of area rugs as well...EcoByDesign. If you do opt for hardwood floors, be cautitous of engineered woods that use glues, solid wood is preferred. Whatever flooring option you choose, be sure it is a healthy one.
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