I have never been a frequent user of hand sanitizers. However, I do know people that use them almost obsessively. The FDA has now decided to investigate the safeness of the ingredient Triclosan. It is found in other products as well such as toothpaste and various cosmetics. Other countries have banned this ingredient but yet it is still in US products. It is thought to be an endocrine disruptor much like BPA and may be harming wildlife such as frogs since it gets washed down drains. There is also concern that it may interfere with antibiotics effectiveness as well. Triclosan was originally geared for use in hospitals where germs are everywhere. Everyday household use may not be the safest place for such a chemical.
When I was stocking up on baby supplies I found a hand sanitizer, Clean Well, that is Alcohol Free and All-Natural and Kid Safe. They also make Hand Sanitizing wipes and their products don't contain Triclosan. So far it has been working great and rated low on the Skin Deep toxicity scale. I purchased it at Diapers.com
Beware of another company using ALL NATURAL claims, but the second ingredient, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, is not as safe and has health concerns.
As of now you can't avoid what is offered in public restrooms. Another reason I hate using public restrooms other than the germ factor is because the hand soaps make me literally nauseous because of the fragrance which we now know is toxic and now the Triclosan ingredient in them is hazardous as well.
This obtained from the Washington Post:
"In a letter to a congressman that was obtained by The Washington Post, the FDA said that recent scientific studies raise questions about whether triclosan disrupts the body's endocrine system and whether it helps to create bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. An advisory panel to the FDA said in 2005 that there was no evidence the antibacterial soaps work better than regular soap and water.
The FDA was responding to inquiries from Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), who has been pushing federal regulators to take stronger action to restrict the use of triclosan and other chemicals that have been shown in laboratory tests to interfere with the delicate endocrine system, which regulates growth and development. "
Hopefully the FDA will step to the plate on this one and ban the ingredient ASAP. According to the EPA, they are going to review Triclosan in 2013, ten years earlier than planned!!!!! Do you want to wait for their findings when other countries have already banned??? Legislators are calling for a ban on all products targeted to children. I know you are thinking what will be next... so am I...I will let you know!!!
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