When babies teeth start to come in it is extremely painful for them. One thing that can be helpful is for babies to chew on something like a teether. Before 1998 teethers contained chemicals such as Phthalates. If you have a hand-me-down teether, dispose of it. Be sure your teether is new and does not contain harmful chemicals. The new teethers and pacifiers sold are supposed to be phthalate free and should say this on the packaging. There are many made from latex and silicone that are safe as well. You can find a great selection at Diapers.com
Now there is the other chemical Polycarbonate plastic which also contains the chemical, and is usually marked with the number 7 recycling symbol. PVC is typically marked with the number 3. These are found in vinyl shower curtains, household plastic and toys. Check your babies bowls, spoons and sippy cups as well for safety. Keep these items away from your baby that may be in question. This may sound crazy, but my husband and I do the sniff test on items. If it smells like plastic, its probably bad for you. We all know the smell of a new vinyl shower curtain, that smell is toxic. Imagine what those chemicals emitting into the air can do to your young baby!! Think that yellow rubber ducky is safe...think again!!!(unless it is PVC, Phthalte-free, BPA Free) More on phthalates.
These phthalates aren't just in baby toys. They are in soft plastics. Be careful what your baby wants to chew on. The remote control is a NO NO!!! You can also wet a washcloth and put it in the freezer. I only use her organic cotton washcloths because regular cotton has been grown with pesticides.
As far as her stuffed animals that she uses as teething toys, I made sure those are organic as well. For me, if I believe there could be a threat, I take a precaution. Better safe than sorry.
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